Food and Fire

A home is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.

— Benjamin Franklin

a home is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body

This quote succinctly describes the inherent possibilities of the home. 

The home

  • can fuel or dull our passions.

  • can further or squelch our dreams.

  • can build or destroy our relationships.

  • can give us worthy thoughts to ponder or steal our energy.

  • can protect our stories or crush them.

As modern homemakers there’s a warning here — the home must contain food and fire for the mind or we will seek it elsewhere. 

You can begin cultivating this vibrant life in your home by listening to each family member's needs and then using your space to actively support them. Creativity, conversation, health, knowledge, and longings of the heart all deserve space in a home that is a home.


Great design doesn’t happen overnight


Crafting clarity at home