What is a custom home?

At dinner with friends recently the topic of custom homes arose (no surprise there.)

The surprise (for me) was in the varying definitions, understandings and experiences.

  • If you buy a home already under construction custom means being able to choose some finishes like countertops or tile.

  • If you buy a finished home custom is again focused around finishes although now as a remodel.

  • If you buy plans online custom means getting to make some changes like adding a closet or removing a wall.

While these are each customizations they are not a custom home from an architectural point of view.

Custom design is unique, individualized, and personal from the conception of the home. Because a home can only be truly custom if it knows and serves you specifically. This is the complete opposite from mass produced housing where every home or unit is identical with no defining features. That said, custom design requires a significant investment of time and resources making it hard to realize for the majority of families in the US.

But, I have good news!

Every personality, every value, and every family can be intuitively supported by their home.

And it doesn’t require a custom home (be it custom design or customizations.)

It requires listening skills, flexibility, and authenticity. It requires creativity and boldness. It requires patience.

This kind of home is created by choice and on purpose.

If you’d like to turn your home into an intuitive support system start with these questions:

  • does each person in the home have space to display what’s important to them?

  • …to do their most important work (play for children)?

  • …to feel understood, known, and valued?


Use Your Space to Clarify Your Focus


Great design doesn’t happen overnight